Wednesday, 30 April 2014

We're half way through Equality and Diversity Week!

We are now half way through Equality and Diversity week at Tameside College and so far it's been brilliant! There have been so many staff and students involved in so many different activities it's hard to know where to start.

This morning there was a screening of a film called 'life in a day' which has been mentioned in previous posts. The film is all about what it was like to be alive on the 24th July 2010 from the perspective of film makers all over the world.

Diane King of Tameside LGBT a local group which focuses on LGBT issues and support paid us a visit to hold a stall in the refectory, answering any questions and helping to raise awareness of their cause.

Then there was the Volleyball and Boccia session in the sports hall. Volleyball involves two teams who have to hit a ball over a net and whichever team hits the other team's area the most wins. However this wasn't ordinary Volleyball. For Equality and Diversity Week we added a twist, Sitting Volleyball. The sport is available to disabled and non-disabled people alike and the rules are very similar to ordinary Volleyball except you must keep at least one part of your lower body on the ground. The students soon took to it and many were pro's near the end! Boccia another sport designed for people to play in wheelchairs. The aim of the game is to throw leather balls coloured red or blue (which side gets which is determined by a coin toss) as close as they can to a white target ball, or jack. The winner is the one who gets the closest.

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